Parent Information

In a supportive environment, learners are involved in a range of educational opportunities both in and out of the school grounds.

Some include:

  • Inquiry learning opportunities in a supportive, small class environment
  • Student voice opportunities including our Student Representative Council and Student Leader team
  • The learning of Auslan
  • Swimming lessons at The Rex, Tanunda
  • Whole school camp every second year
  • Excursions throughout the year to build connected and challenging learning experiences
  • Implementation of Berry Street Education practices to support and nurture the wellbeing of all learners, staff and families.


Parent Handbook


School Times
8.50am School starts
11.00am Eating time
11.10am Recess break
11.30am Lesson time
1.40pm Lunch break
2.00pm Lesson time
3.15pm Dismissal*

*Students are dismissed at 2.40pm on Mondays

Term dates


Term 1 – 30 January to 14 April
Term 2 – 1 May to 7 July
Term 3 –
24 July to 29 September
Term 4 –
16 October to 15 December


Term 1 –29 January to 12 April
Term 2 –29 April to 5 July
Term 3 –
22 July to 27 September
Term 4 –
14 October to 13 December

Interoception/The lair

Interoceptive awareness can be broadly defined as the conscious perception of internal bodily cues such as heartbeat and breathing and is related to emotional experiences. Having interoceptive awareness is key in having self-regulation skills. Here at Light Pass PS, we teach interoceptive awareness daily in our classrooms, as well as in small groups with our SWSO.


Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) is provided through the Happy Haven.  Happy Haven provides quality care (regular, occasional and emergency) for primary school children.  The Happy Haven van transports students accessing the program between Light Pass Primary School and the Happy Haven program.  Students can access Before and After School Care and the Holiday and Pupil Free Day programs.  For more information on the Happy Haven program, go to or phone 81555444.

Student Wellbeing Support Officer
We are very fortunate to be funded for a Student Wellbeing Support Officer. Mandy Bubner is our SWSO and she works collaboratively with our teachers to support our students and families. Mandy runs several wellbeing groups within our school to support the positive development of skills needed for wellbeing. She provides opportunities to develop a positive sense of self through games, conversations and journals. Mandy also works with our Student Leaders and Student Representative Council to organise and run our fortnightly assemblies. Weekly “Coffee and Chat” sessions are scheduled in the Wellbeing Hub for our parents, grandparents and carers.

Light Pass Primary School has an active Playgroup which is held every Friday of the school term from 9:00am-11:00am.

The Light Pass Primary School Playgroup provides young children with the opportunity to participate in creative and unstructured play experiences.  Learning through play is essential for the child’s development, exploration and understanding of the world.


Every year we join with other schools such as Truro PS, Keyneton PS,  Cambrai PS, Wasleys PS, Robertstown PS and Sandy Creek PS to have a Combined Schools Sports Day. These are a lot of fun!

We hold swimming lessons every year for students in Reception to Year 5 at The Rex in Tanunda. Year 6 students participate in an aquatics day at West Lakes Aquatics in Term 4 which involves a variety of aquatic activities such as kayaking, surfing and snorkelling.